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How to Straighten Teeth Without Braces

How to Straighten Teeth Without Braces
Laughlin Dental
Hello, Pasadena! At Laughlin Dental, we're not just about teeth. We're about building lasting relationships with every patient who walks through our doors. Led by Dr. Lloyd Laughlin, our practice is dedicated to providing judgment-free, quality dental care that's accessible to everyone.
BY Laughlin Dental

People of all ages want a straight, attractive smile. But many feel that traditional braces are not the right option for their teeth straightening. If you’re going to fix your crooked or misaligned teeth without braces, what options do you have? Thanks to modern technology and dental care advancements, there are methods for how to straighten teeth without braces.

Options for How to Straighten Teeth Without Braces

Each individual experiences their own unique dental concerns. These range from crooked teeth and misaligned teeth to issues like underbite or overbite. So your dentist is the best expert on how to straighten your teeth, according to your unique needs. But some of the methods used in teeth straightening today include retainers, traditional metal braces, and clear aligner trays.

Retainers, such as the Hawley retainer, subtly straighten teeth. These devices do not work well for a significant bite or alignment changes. But many people benefit from retainers, especially after treatment using traditional metal braces or other methods of teeth straightening. Talk to your Pasadena TX orthodontist about retainers, to see if this device suits your needs.

Traditional metal braces provide the most dramatic results in teeth straightening. But most people want alternatives to the brackets and wires of braces, particularly adults. When you seek dental services Pasadena TX offers, your dentist is your best resource for knowing whether braces provide the best option for your new smile. Other cosmetic dentistry services offer means of improving the look of your smile without the discomfort or “metal mouth” appearance of braces.

Clear aligner trays, such as the high-quality Invisalign brand aligners, help many people achieve a straighter smile. This answers your question of how to straighten teeth without braces, with clear aligner trays being almost invisible. You also take them out of your mouth to eat and for daily oral hygiene.

Clear Aligner Trays Provide the Greatest Comfort and Convenience

Benefits of clear aligner trays include their comfort and natural appearance, as your trays prove almost invisible as you wear them. These convenient trays work throughout each day, as the most popular method of how to straighten teeth without braces. Unlike braces, you do not experience embarrassing problems like food particles being caught in your wires or brackets, as you take the trays out to eat. You remove them for toothbrushing and flossing, too.

Clear aligner trays slowly reposition your teeth over the course of six months to two years. You wear each of your trays for about 22 hours per day for a total of about two weeks. When one tray’s wear time ends, you throw that tray away and replace it with the next one in your series. When you complete the series of trays, you have an attractive, straight smile.

As with traditional braces, you may need to wear a retainer for a period of time after completing the series of your aligner trays. This retainer helps your teeth stay in their new position for maintenance of your straight smile.

A Straighter, Healthier Smile in Pasadena, Texas

In Pasadena, Texas your dentist offers options for improving your smile. You benefit from advanced technologies and the latest treatment methods, including clear aligner trays. Dental services available to you in Pasadena include:

  • Family dentistry
  • Custom Veneers
  • Teeth straightening
  • Cosmetic dentistry